Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Be very careful with extremely high APY DeFi

hello everyone! ​ i've been a part of this community for quite some time now and as we grow bigger and bigger I see people falling into the same mistakes EVERY TIME. ​ so if you are reading this I assume you already know what DeFi is and how it works, you probably heard of…
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Scientists use A.I. to make money from crypto scammers

submitted by /u/Advanced-Ingenuity46 [link] [comments]

ECB says digital euro may be needed to combat 'artificial currencies'

The ECB’s annual euro report stressed that a digital euro may be needed to fight off the threat of “artificial currencies” from “foreign tech giants.”


Does anyone know a suite or company that wholesales the 3090s and 3070s. Need over 600 of them. submitted by /u/AKATSUKI-007 [link] [comments]

Suggest a defi app and I will create it

I'm a dev that created projects before using solidity and web3. Suggest me a good use case for a contract and a front end and I will create it and publish it on here next month. submitted by /u/003random [link] [comments]

Need afterburner settings for my rtx 2060

I tried using my ethereum settings but they were poopy, only like 10mh and on my laptop which is only a 1050ti and most settings I couldn’t even change was around 6.5, any help is welcome submitted by /u/Poven45 [link] [comments]

Asset Manager Sees Bitcoin Price Bottoming out — Says Market Is Mispricing BTC

Fund manager Brian Kelly says that the market is mispricing bitcoin and “when bitcoin gets that mispriced it is the sign of the bottom.” He sees a string of “all positive things” that are reflected in the pricing of the cryptocurrency. Asset Manager Brian Kelly Says Market Is Mispricing Bitcoin Brian Kelly, the founder and […]

Google Removes Its 2018 Ban on Cryptocurrency Wallets and Exchange ADs

submitted by /u/Dwez1337 [link] [comments]