Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

InsurAce has partnered with Alpha Homora, Uniswap, 88mph, Elrond Network, Bella Protocol and Dora Factory to provide coverage against smart contract vulnerabilities for users

We've also launched Full-Spectrum Multi-Chain Insurance services covering protocols on a wide range of public chains including Ethereum, Binance Chain (BSC), HECO, Solana, Polygon and Fantom. ​ We’re moving very fast to expand our coverage to new platforms. We’ve extended our coverage to Uniswap v3 now and will soon be including Alpha Homora v2. ​…
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Robinhood, Coinbase, Microsoft: Never Forget What Centralized Corporations Do When they get Desperate.

Robinhood Don't buy Crypto on Robinhood . The company almost went under on a 3B margin call over illegal GME paper trades. They restricted buying on doge, then Bullshitted their way out of it when officials questioned them. Coinbase Had to dish out $6.5 million in fines for using bots to manipulate prices. They have…
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Fine Wine Market with NFTs Tied to Physical Bottles of Wine

submitted by /u/adventure_cyclist [link] [comments]

Ethereum Meetup

submitted by /u/kulind [link] [comments]

Ethereum to MOON w/ EIP1559

submitted by /u/Churro808 [link] [comments]

Celsius CEO: “Elon Is A Tourist In Crypto”

Celsius CEO Alex Mashinsky sat down live at Miami’s Bitcoin 2021 Conference with Yahoo! Finance for a brief discussion on Celsius, Elon, and more. With a quick question out of the gate around Elon’s latest Twitter chatter, Mashinsky didn’t hesitate to share his opinion. ‘The Crypto Tourist’ “Elon is a tourist in crypto”, Mashinsky stated, […]

Ethereum Layer 2 Is Becoming Liquid

submitted by /u/paragismb [link] [comments]

Alternative Mining Algorithms Reap Higher Profits Than Bitcoin Mining in 2021

Cryptocurrencies have jumped quite a bit in value over the course of the year and miners who verify transactions and earn digital assets have seen significant profits. While bitcoin miners have been seeing daily profits rise, a great number of other mineable digital currencies are pulling in much larger yields. Blake256R14 and Ethash Machines Pull […]

SpaceX to send first Ethereum node to ISS in collaboration with SpaceChain

submitted by /u/gumgum01 [link] [comments]

Creating a DAO

So im considering creating my own DAO for experiment reasons. Ive heard of aragon, but what are some recommended ways to build a DAO? submitted by /u/Scoop_of_Bryy [link] [comments]