Author: dfmines

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Dallas Mavericks Now Accepting Dogecoin as Payment

submitted by /u/username_takne [link] [comments]

Best use cases of blockchain technology not yet implemented?

I just found out about Theta. It's designed for decentralized streaming content. After doing some more research on other use cases i got interested if there we're some use cases not yet implemented. One that came to my mind was decentralized cloud storage. I'm not sure if there is any platforms used for that. If…
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A Group of Crypto Proponents Burned an Original Banksy ‘Morons’ Print and Turned It Into an NFT

Original artwork crafted by the pseudonymous England-based street artist and political activist Banksy has been burned in order to turn the art into a non-fungible token (NFT). The screenprint was one of only 500 made and was authenticated by Banksy’s verification company Pest Control. The burning was a symbolic message of turning a rare piece […]

Will Ethereum be Technological Bet or Store of Value?

submitted by /u/TechHodler [link] [comments]

VeChain Partnership Highlight Series : Leg 1 Summary×511.jpg Intro: With the latest boom in interest in the crypto markets, I thought it would be good for all of the newcomers to pull together a ton of information and highlight some partnership info with what is, in my opinion, one of the best crypto projects in the sphere. This series will highlight…
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Nice NPR mention on NFTs yesterday -Why are people spending so much money on NFTs?

submitted by /u/WillyLohman [link] [comments]

Fair price discovery for fair token auctions.

We’re excited to announce a new product development from @gnosisPM, the @GnosisAuction. We look forward to bringing price discovery through batch auctions to #DeFi! Stay tuned for more information!! submitted by /u/GnosisPM [link] [comments]

If you had to trade the entirety of your portfolio for a single coin that’s not BTC or ETH and then hold it for 5 years without the ability to sell.. what coin would you choose?

Most of the coins from 5 years ago don't exist anymore or have massively tanked. For most current coins, it's anyone's guess if they're going to survive in the years to come or not. If you had to pick one and hodl it tight, which would it be? Question meant as a fun discussion starter,…
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Ethereum cash

Amicable hard fork. 40M gas limit. Stays PoW for ~3 years. I dont think it's a great idea but it seems better than BSC with similar benefits and way less down side. submitted by /u/Bluemandegen [link] [comments]

Binance Smart Chain DeFi Project Hacked for $31 Million

submitted by /u/ImTinyRick7 [link] [comments]