I cant be the only one who thought of this
submitted by /u/Working_Rent6951 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/Working_Rent6951 [link] [comments]
I am interested in creating smart contracts as an experiment, so also, if you have already created and you are willing to help me with resources that helped you please don't keep it in! Thank you in advance for all the responses! submitted by /u/-_-______-_-___8 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/Fishdad7 [link] [comments]
A rapidly expanding DeFi ecosystem and a new low-cost bridge to the Ethereum network are just a few reasons why AVAX price is up 200% in August.
can someone please dumb it down for me? After L2 happens will nodes still see all TXs, for example can I run Geth and still be able to pull data from it about the TX with web3py or web3js or ethersjs? submitted by /u/alysak6075 [link] [comments]
Basic needs for refugees, medical care on the ground, and visa assistance — some crypto users are sending tokens to nonprofits and others to help the Afghan people.
I see this comment in almost every thread as if it’s some kind of fact. Either you’re lying, or you’re a really bad relaxer. Former or latter, everyone should ignore what comes after it Reddit has been used over 8,000 times over the years by rich people and poor alike If you were heavy into…
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submitted by /u/TheClitCommander__ [link] [comments]
Something important: once you make money BE CAREFUL! A lot of people are very mindful while investing but once they cash out they start spending a lot on material things! We are early, we will make money. However, once you do, be sure to learn how to live with little, but great things. ''It is…
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