Moon Bonus

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Moon Bonus

Hi guys!

I recently saw some posts stating they have no clue about the Moon bonusses this subreddit gives out.

There are two ways to earn extra moons:

  • 5% increase for people who voted on at least one governance poll. Up to a maximum of 500 extra karma.

  • 20% If you HODL 100% of your Moons u gained last round. This percentage may change if you withdraw any Moons.

So its important to vote on the Polls and also HODL your Moons, the bonusses are great and you never know how valuable the Moons will be in the future.

Hope i helped at least 1 person out.

When we are looking at the moon, we see the purest reflection of our own beauty and magic, which is why we love the moon so much

submitted by /u/DWing1708
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