If you are desperate for money or need a quick flip for reasons like bills… this is not a healthy place for you.

Crypto is volatile, in fact basically like all stocks are. Of corse that isn't entirely true, but if you are desperate its all volatile.
Crypto is not your quick fix or your get rich quick scheme. If you feel desperate to pay your bills, put food on the table, or looking for a savior please look elsewhere.
It incredibly stressful and heartbreaking to read the stories of people feeling suicidal because of their crypto decisions.
I bought 1 BTC at 1k in 2012/13 and i lost my key. its ok shit happens, but please dont put all you have into crypto hoping it changes your life.
its been said 100,000,000 times but, do not invest what you cant lose. Along with that, you must learn to be ok with your choices. Selling at a lost, buying at ATH, not holding, whatever it is… dont let these decisions ruin your life internally that it ruins your life psychically.
Be kind to yourself. 🖤
submitted by /u/captainsquidsharkk
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