The Media Shows financially irresponsible people who borrowed $250,000 for Crypto, but won’t show you examples of someone responsible who started with $250, and now has $250,000

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

The Media Shows financially irresponsible people who borrowed $250,000 for Crypto, but won’t show you examples of someone responsible who started with $250, and now has $250,000

The Media Shows financially irresponsible people who borrowed $250,000 for Crypto to give an the worst example possible of "Hodl Culture" but won't show you someone who didn't put in more than they could afford to lose starting with $250, and now has $25k or higher.

Because it's all a game to them.

When someone who isn't involved in crypto but interested sees a story like that , it give the impression that cryptocurrency is for irresponsible people but will fail to show you that financially irresponsibility isn't exclusive to crypto. Every year people commit suicide because they gambled all their money away on march madness. So articles like that showing crypto = bad because it's a cult is just BS

submitted by /u/JuicySpark
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