Is LRC dead in the water or is there a slight chance it’ll be worth anything again?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Is LRC dead in the water or is there a slight chance it’ll be worth anything again?

I've got like $2000 in LRC from the last bull run like an idiot and it is basically worth $100 now. Should i sell it and write it off as a loss or hold it in the hopes that someday it becomes worth something again?

I'm pretty much assuming that it'll never be worth much and mentally I've already written off that money. What are yalls opinion on LRC?

I've heard that they are still developing it and they actually have plans but without the GME hype it had, and the sea of crypto idk how they stand out. Kind of seems like only BTC is the worthwhile investment anymore.

submitted by /u/wildwasabi
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