I need help please

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

I need help please

Hey everyone, I'm new here. And I'm pretty new to crypto in general. A bit of background: a few years ago I was using Sofi for stocks and crypto. A while back, sofi made users transfer over to blockchain.com. now that it's tax season, I'm trying to get this all figured out. When I visit the blockchain.com tax center, it just spits out an excel file containing my transactions for the year. I've been trying to use koinly to generate my forms to supply to turbotax. My biggest problem with that is, my account value on koinly and blockchain are completely different. On top of that my gains and losses on koinly are shown as 0.00$ i didn't do amazing with crypto or anything, but $0.00 for gains and losses doesn't seem right to me. I've been buying and holding crypto for a few years now in tiny amounts, and finally started selling some in 2024. Can anyone please help get me going in the right direction? I'm really really lost.

submitted by /u/DoorProfessional6308
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