I’m pleased to announce the winner of the community raffle!!

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

I’m pleased to announce the winner of the community raffle!!

Congratulations u/ChiggenTendies you have won 100 RVN!! 🥳🥳🎊🎊🎉🎉

What a show! Astounding! Tell us what you plan to do with your winnings sir!

A big thanks for all who participated in the event and if anyone has a better method than putting names in a bowl plz let a guy know 😅😅

Stay tuned for the next giveaway everyone. Keep an eye out for me on Sundays. I'm like the turnip lady from animal crossing except I have a bag of ravencoin and not turnips.

Remember everyone the point of this event is to boost involvement and subsequently attract more Ravens to the nest. Remember to like posts, help your fellow redditors, and best of all don't be shy with awards. The more awards you give out on the sub the more Ravens will flock. The more fun people can have here the better, and IMO awards and the karma system are the most fun thing about reddit.

Don't be scared to do your own giveaways either people. If you have thousands and thousands of raven coin you surely won't miss a couple hundred for the sake of sacrifice for the success of the community! I know I will continue doing my part on Sundays to make sure this trend gets going!

submitted by /u/ThrowRA7757
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