Considering the news, should we convert our entire portfolios to the 5 ‘golden’ cryptos announced for the crypto reserve or it’s a bad idea?
Considering the news from orange man, I'm not sure how certain is this crypto reserve and can it be somehow stopped by congress ? Or Trump has more than enough people on his side to get the approval, is it almost certain at this point ? While I understand there may be other cryptos also included, he specifically mentioned just these 5.
In my case I have Polkadot,Doge, Near, GRT, is it smart idea to convert to SOL? Considering SOL reached 290usd last month without these crypto reserve news, I'm guessing it would be no issue for it to reach 450-500 usd very soon.
However, Im also thinking, if ETH hits 5k from it's current price (2500$), that's just 2x, if it hits 10k, it's 4x. But for Polkadot I'm having hard time imagining it wouldn't go 6-7x if eth is at 10k, even if it's not part of the crypto reserve I believe it would still push hard.
The idea of the post is, should we focus only on cryptos that will be part of this eventual crypto reserve or other will pump as well?
submitted by /u/FuzzyAttitude_
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