How are phishing contracts be able to initiate “OUT” transfers of fake tokens from my wallet

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How are phishing contracts be able to initiate “OUT” transfers of fake tokens from my wallet

How are phishing contracts be able to initiate "OUT" transfers of fake tokens from my wallet

Noticed there has been a tons of txns going out from my wallet, all involving these fake USDC tokens, looks like my keys are not compromised since there's no real malicious consequences involved, how are these contracts be able to do "OUT" transfers from wallet without signature, can someone understands solidity explain this to me, thank you!

This is one of the transactions: 0xe6906b937b67885e7f6ec2b801654685ec222008a8b7d7550d45456ff639d214

And this is one of the phishing contract: 0x236B8F6c3D9b06dE16Fc98f7dC448d2A050CD2E4

Seems like its batched execution for multiple wallets in one go.

submitted by /u/Lazy-Helicopter463
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