Stop checking prices every 10 seconds. Go outside and get some sun. Your mental health is more important than your wealth

I know its not easy to divert your attention from the market, especially with the shitstorm thats going on right now, but a lot of you guys are way too stressed and worried about the market rn. I've seen some rather worrying comments on the daily today and i think some of you need to delete your apps and get off your damn devices.
Mental health comes first and foremost over wealth. Suicide rates are higher than ever right now and when the market is performing poorly this could push people over the edge as they have a lot riding on crypto. IF this is you, please detach yourself from the market for a while and go out in the world. You havent lost money until you sell. the market WILL go up. maybe not today, or tomorrow but it will and that is almost a guarantee.
Lastly, i want us all to spread more positivity in these times because people need it more than ever. That one upvote, or free award you give someone could literally save their life. Little things matter the most and can make someones day.
Stay strong guys, we are all in this together and good days will come soon.
edit: who tf downvoted all the comments? some of you people are so sad.
submitted by /u/IHateElon
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