Whistleblowers dApp MVP. Are you REALLY ready?

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Whistleblowers dApp MVP. Are you REALLY ready?

I asked you if we are ready to support a Whistleblowers dApp:


More than 1.4k votes. You have been heard. But are you really ready?

Hosted on Github: https://marks.provable.dev/?ipfs=QmXq4zne6sbse69crCuPvT8jEuxh3htrVaiTehRFPKYLyx&input=

Hosted on IPFS, with Fleek: https://whistle.provable.dev/?ipfs=QmXq4zne6sbse69crCuPvT8jEuxh3htrVaiTehRFPKYLyx&input=

You can:

– submit a proof and upload it to IPFS, then register it on Ethereum, Ropsten testnet.

– view submissions on a map.

– click on a placemark -> click on the link to view individual submissions.

– support a submission by clicking on "click to support" at the bottom of the page -> pay Ropsten ETH.

! IPFS files disappear eventually if they are not pinned by nodes, or you can witness very slow loading times.

What can you do?

– run an IPFS node and host & pin the files – the "marks" (markdown dApps) themselves first and then individual submissions.

– suggest better ways to provide persistence to files on IPFS

– invite IPFS node maintainers and security auditors to help the whistleblowers.

– volunteer to help development – e.g. Twitter bot that tweets new submissions or donations.

Share this news. Really. The known Ethereum newsletters and Ethereum Twitter accounts are unwilling to give us space for this volunteering effort: https://twitter.com/lorecirstea/status/1398677058922893314.

Decentralized System Management

This is not only a whistleblower dApp. It is an engine for creating dApps from Markdown and publishing them on IPFS. You can extend the whistleblowers system yourself even now, by following the tutorial from the menu.

Open Source

The code will become open source as soon as we have the first outside volunteer and, in any case, before any Mainnet release.

Demo Time

Video demo: Whistleblowers dApp – Map of Submissions


In the last video, I showed how a whistleblower can load a submission on IPFS and register it in a contract deployed on Ropsten. The submission is tagged with space and time markers, along with other tags. So, by looking at the contract events, we can decode the data and show the submissions on the map.

submitted by /u/lorecirstea
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