Biden will be proposing his budget today. It will affect the market. Try not to panic.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Biden will be proposing his budget today. It will affect the market. Try not to panic.

This is not FUD and Im not trying to scare anyone. Please read.

Biden is going to propose a $4 trillion budget today.

It is pretty much a guarantee he will be proposing higher cap gains taxes on the very wealthy.

This news leaked a few weeks ago and the stock market and crypto market tanked hard.

If capitol gains are raised on the wealthy they will sell crypto and stocks to avoid paying the higher taxes.

There is some speculation that Biden might make it retroactive to April to avoid sharp market selloffs. In that case there might not be a big dip.

If you're planning on buying crypto today it might be a good idea to wait until after his budget proposal.

Again this isn't FUD. No one should panic. If you're in it for the long haul this doesn't really matter.

submitted by /u/BillTheCommunistCat
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