Bitcoin is Winning: Michael Saylor Shares Annualized Asset Performance Chart Over Four Years to Show How Bitcoin (51%) Is Overperforming Magnificent 7 (14%), S&P 500 (10%), Real Estate (7%), Gold And Bonds (-4%)

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Bitcoin is Winning: Michael Saylor Shares Annualized Asset Performance Chart Over Four Years to Show How Bitcoin (51%) Is Overperforming Magnificent 7 (14%), S&P 500 (10%), Real Estate (7%), Gold And Bonds (-4%)

Bitcoin is Winning: Michael Saylor Shares Annualized Asset Performance Chart Over Four Years to Show How Bitcoin (51%) Is Overperforming Magnificent 7 (14%), S&P 500 (10%), Real Estate (7%), Gold And Bonds (-4%) submitted by /u/kirtash93
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