[SERIOUS] Why is Crypto.com’s branding so dominant, when their flagship product is a crappy mobile app?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

[SERIOUS] Why is Crypto.com’s branding so dominant, when their flagship product is a crappy mobile app?

Seriously, CDC sucks, the app is terrible. It's slow, poorly designed and just feels very unpleasant to be using. Don't get me started on the spreads, looking past all the performance and design issues, those make CDC one of if not the worst place to be buying Crypto. Not even the basic Coinbase version robs you that much.

Yes, they have a professional exchange too but that is only available in very limited regions, and the exchange's app suffers from the same issues. It's only seriously usable on a desktop.

Does anybody even still use them or is invested in Cronos?

submitted by /u/yphase
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