Unbiased Crypto news non existent?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Unbiased Crypto news non existent?

First of all, there is nothing unbiased of course. So I'm looking for something that has as little hidden agenda as possible.

I'm just getting into crypto investment (used them a lot for payment over the last 5ish years). Obviously you can't make the right divisions when you're lacking information, as with everything.

During my research over the past days I found out:

  • That all crypto youtubers are just pushing coins or referrals
  • That all news portals have a hidden agenda
  • That X and Reddit are garbage aggregators of the prior two points

Basically as it is with politics and anything else, which I agree.

Then where do you guys get your information from?

And please provide a valid reasoning why it doesn't fall into the above category for the sake of everyone who will search for this the future. Thanks!

submitted by /u/dnapor
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