Exchange claims minimum transfer amounts are regulated. True? Why?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Exchange claims minimum transfer amounts are regulated. True? Why?

Exchange claims minimum transfer amounts are regulated. True? Why?

An exchange I bought crypto on without fully understanding how they work has pretty high minimums for transferring crypto off their platform. They claim it is due to regulations. Max's make sense and are consistent across multiple exchanges. but Mins? They exist.. but are different across all the exchanges. I figured the amount chosen had to do with their profit margins on fees and such. Why would MINs be regulated?

This particular exchanges also groups the crypto I bought per transaction instead of by coin… I bought little amounts at a time… soooo i cant move any of it off the exchange. with the SEC getting involved, im going to have to sell a bunch at a loss. pretty annoyed. There is nothing I can do about this.. or is there?

submitted by /u/djax9
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