Whether this be a dip or a crash, this is a chance to turn back the clock for those up of who feel we got into crypto too late

I'm not gonna lie, it hurts to look at my crypto portfolio and see it down more than 1/3. But I'm going to look at the bright side. I only got into crypto a couple months ago. I keep looking at those 1Y gains and wishing I had a time machine.
Well, this downturn is my time machine. It gives me a chance to DCA my way back in time a few months. Which is what I've desired most. Even if this turns out to be a crash rather than simply a dip, the 2017/2018 crash recovered and mooned in 2-3 years. If I can't wait 2-3 years for a return then my mind isn't in the right place.
I 100% believe in crypto. I believe I've invested wisely in coins that have a future. This dip is the time machine I've been asking for. I've got sunshine on a cloudy day… ☁☀
submitted by /u/coupland
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