Needing Ravencoin Node and/or Ravencoin OS setup help on the Raspberry Pi, or on other platforms like Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc. in either Raven core, terminal/command prompt/powershell, or both, perhaps even involving ssh and vnc capabilities?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Needing Ravencoin Node and/or Ravencoin OS setup help on the Raspberry Pi, or on other platforms like Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc. in either Raven core, terminal/command prompt/powershell, or both, perhaps even involving ssh and vnc capabilities?

Hello there! I have finally sorted out getting a Raspberry Pi 4 node up and running, using the Ravencoin OS available from Ravenland, as well as accomplishing getting it to display on the ravennodes website. I am here to help anyone that needs help in setup of their node, be it using a raspberry pi with or without using Ravencoin OS, or virtual server; with ssh and vnc capabilities; with or without the raven core application. So please feel free to reach out, I know how tedious the setup can be, and I have all the patience in world for anyone that is curious as to how to get the ball rolling! While nodes may not directly reward you, they are the backbone of the network, and the more there are, the better it is for the network. I can also assist in Ravencoin OS specific setup such as IPFS questions, updating ravencore, etc. Thanks a ton to all who read this for your time and patience in reading it, and I hope I can help anyone that is stuck like I was at one point. I spent weeks browsing reddit, google, github, wikipedia, and other such sources of information until I finally connected the dots, and as this is a community driven project, I'd like to help in any way I can!

submitted by /u/rvnminers_A_and_N
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