How to introduce someone to crypto?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

How to introduce someone to crypto?

Hello guys,

I'll be honest when I first got introduced to crypto it took me a couple of months to totally grasp it and this was without anyone helps ( except researching and researching ) but not everyone can self learn. I want to introduce someone who doesn't know much about computers other then just browsing/studying/entertainment. Is there any free course or any websites or walk throughs or quiz type to then test knowledge that can guide them from 0 to 100 ? Of course I'll always be there to help them if they have any doubts. When I say crypto 0 to 100 I mean from literal bitcoin to all sorts of defi, liquidity, staking restaking farming blah blah basically I want them to gain knowledge as much as us who have been in the scene since years. From bitcoin to bottom of the barale of rug pulls ( defi trading). I truly believe that crypto is the secret to financial success and this person is very young. For now I sent coingecko videos but is there better way or resources ?

Thank you

submitted by /u/odencock
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