You have every right to talk about politics as a crypto stakeholder

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

You have every right to talk about politics as a crypto stakeholder

Stop letting people tell you that crypto is not an important political issue or that you shouldn't discuss politics on a crypto forum.

Crypto people cannot be independent of politics. Politicians have appointed people that have made it illegal to use a decentralized protocol, Tornado Cash, and are seeking prison for the developers who wrote and published Tornado Cash's open source code.

Don't let anti-crypto types tell you crypto isn't important enough for you to be a single issue voter over. Money is literally the most important facet of our economy, and with it, our material well-being, and crypto has the potentially to radically liberate and empower people in their use of money.

We have a front page post now, "Please quit interacting with political posts on this sub", telling people to not involve themselves in political discussions in this subreddit.

I can't stress how stupid and harmful this suggestion is to the crypto stakeholder set.

People who care about crypto should be communicating and organizing to protect their interests, like every other group.

We have Elizabeth Warren brazenly bragging about creating an "anti-crypto army", and instead of punishing her and her allies in the voting booth, this user wants crypto stakeholders to mute themselves on crypto's largest internet forums, so that they can't collectively act as an interest group.

submitted by /u/aminok
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