The SafeMoon coin has me concerned, let me tell you why and share your opinions.

Hey everyone,
I’ll be honest I find this community a bit like the boomers of crypto. There’s a lot of complaining and just negativity at times, I hope this community fixes that.
With that being said, what I’m about to post actually has me concerned.
So we all know about shitcoins, nothing wrong with them. Think of it as OTC or Pink sheet stocks. Most are shit but you may land a few diamonds in the making, maybe.
Now my concern is with SafeMoon. It has received a huge popularity due to intense marketing.
How is this possible? Because the coin has multiple unlocked dev wallets that the “tokenomics” regarding the burn and distribution have these dev wallets receiving the distribution.
These dev wallets hold a large portion of the LP. The people running SafeMoon advise they use this for marketing but reality is they can withdraw and crash/rug pull the token whenever they like.
Additionally, NotSafeMoon which is also a token started from creating a Twitter bot that monitors liquidity dumps and the flaws within the SafeMoon blockchain code.
In the findings are multiple issues regarding liquidity dumps (a large portion has to do with the unlocked dev wallets and other factors) resulting in these dumps.
Also, it’s been uncovered in the LP where equal value of SafeMoon is to be swapped for BNB is actually not equal. There’s an uneven discrepancy from SafeMoon tokens to BNB tokens resulting in lower BNB which would drive the value of the tokens price down instead of up. I’ve notice this in real-time when I was holding SafeMoon. Following that there’s unaccounted BNB that is going somewhere that can’t be found .
Please refer to the NotSafeMoon in-depth technical analysis here:
I don’t think this effects other alt coins with renounced ownership, locked liquidity pools and no dev wallets.
With SafeMoon having unlocked LP, dev wallets actually part of the tokenomics function in the code, code flaws, liquidity dumps, and unequal distribution of SafeMoon to BNB in the LP with issues being flagged in the Certik audit report, I believe we’ve just crossed the line from a shitcoin to a full out Ponzi Scheme. (Not saying the SafeMoon team is doing this on purpose, but it looks like this is what it maybe in reality).
My other issue is the mass adoption of this token due to intense marketing and now they’re going to implement this token in Gambia, Africa where people are already having a hard enough time making income to invest and use this token sorta as a bank and to purchase real goods and commodities with when the code appears to be severely flawed.
I don’t know people, I’m not trying to shill or spread FUD, but this is real and you can actually view these dumps etc in real-time via the bot that NotSafeMoon wrote to monitor the liquidity dumps of Safemoon.
I find this really concerning, please comment your opinions.
Edit: Just to clarify, I have nothing against shitcoins, I make money off of them and some are good projects, my issue is with SafeMoon and all the flaws and massive cult like following it has and once I heard The Gambia thing that to me started to really signal issues in my eyes. I assume they know about the code issues and apparently when others bring it up they don’t respond to it.
The code has been deployed, it can’t be edited, I don’t think enough people realize this.
I’m also assuming the downvotes are SafeMoon holders and this subreddit followers being offended with my first paragraph 😅, salty as hell.
Second edit: To all the salty Safemooners downvoting logical responses and comments below and screaming FUD and asking me to answer questions (Which I did btw, look in the comments) to receive nothing but crickets as a response.
Go asked your beloved Safemoon team about the technical analysis, mention the unlocked wallets receiving taxation, mention the lopsided liquidity or the unequal Safemoon token to BNB ratio in the LP, or why the market cap and holders are increasing but the price isn’t?
How bout instead of screaming FUD, Shill, go to your beloved AMA and ask them to answer the questions.
I’m not FUDing the token, I’m simply passing on very important information for others to make an informed decision. Plenty of great shitcoins to play and make money from that do exactly what they state the token is supposed to do, unlike Safemoon.
The is open source you can view it yourself.
submitted by /u/ShortChecker
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