Ethereum enables trustless collectivism with minimal overhead, something the world has never seen

We regularly see areas where collectivism can be fairly powerful, where an entire group of people pooling their resources enables them to compete with even the biggest players, or to distribute their risk so no one has to suffer alone when disaster strikes.
While we see this in action in the real world with governments, insurance, banking, and other areas, this has always required a trusted party to act as the treasurer or arbiter of the pooled resources. This centralization of control over so much power creates too many opportunities for corruption, and as a result many people prefer to avoid it all together.
But smart contracts can change that, we already see it with exchanges like Uniswap, staking pools like RocketPool, and lending platforms. We finally have a way that people can participate in a collective with minimal overhead and virtually no chance for corruption.
It's very exciting, and as someone who is generally an anti-collectivist (an individualist), it really is amazing that this technology is bringing us a way that we can have so many of the benefits without the drawbacks.
submitted by /u/nishinoran
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