RICO is now live, conceptualized by the deceased founder of MakerDAO Nikolai Mushegian

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

RICO is now live, conceptualized by the deceased founder of MakerDAO Nikolai Mushegian

RICO is a new stable coin described as a free-floating stability primitive designed with an emphasis on automation and market rate discovery.

RICO was the intended designed behind DAI.

RICO in comparison to assets like DAI and RAI:

  • Rico uses a controller that makes it behave more like an independent central bank currency (rather than a USD peg like Dai, or a wrapped USD perpetual swap like Rai). Note: This comment is outdated, as the Rai team has updated their controller to be more like the original design.
  • Rico is a multi-collateral system, with an incentive-compatible non-governance mechanism for adding new collateral types

A quick rundown. Those of us in CT over the past 2 years all well know about the terrible event that happened to "@deleteshitcoin" (https://twitter.com/delete_shitcoin) in Puerto Rico.

He made this tweet on the 28th of October:

CIA and Mossad and pedo elite are running some kind of sex trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and caribbean islands. They are going to frame me with a laptop planted by my ex gf who was a spy. They will torture me to death.

Then, he mysteriously drowned on the 28th of October.

Before this, he was conceptualizing a new kind of stable token called RICO. It interestingly uses the ERC-2535: Diamonds, Multi-Facet Proxy standard

Well, RICO just launched on Arbitrum https://app.bank.dev/

This is a big step in decentralized finance stable coins. Let's all support them and use the product.

submitted by /u/advias
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