We won’t see regulation and are getting ready for a 2nd and 3rd bull run

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

We won’t see regulation and are getting ready for a 2nd and 3rd bull run

People think this doge shenanigan's is going to create regulation. America is a capitalist country. What does that mean for an individual tax payer? Absolutely nothing. You loose money on doge and your done. However, if a bank lost money on doge, it would be too big to fail. We know this from 2008 and derivatives that the US is now the bag holder of(they still exist). The government just holds the bags now. The reason why doge will never cause regulation is no bank owner is dumb enough to put any significant amount of money in a hyperinflationary asset with a higher issuance rate than the US dollar. If doge collapses absolutely nothing will happen. If a bank goes down because of doge, the CEO should get fired and removed for investing in the first place.

Why do I think this bull run is going to continue? I am fairly confident, with the amount of adoption we have seen recently, that there is sufficient evidence to show we will not enter a bear market. Some of this evidence includes r/CryptoCurrency pumping to 2.6 million subs, r/bitcoin nearing 3 million subs, and r/dogecoin nearing 2 million subs. There are people on the side lines just waiting and praying that we see a crash like 2017 so that they can throw in more money. We have reached a tipping point that if we see some huge dip, there is going to be a lot of buyers(including myself) buying more and entering more into the market. This frenzy shows we may not see a slow down, or atleast we will see sustained/maintained growth up through the next bitcoin halving in approximately 1040 days from now.

On top of this, ethereum is already going bull because after ethereum 2.0 and once implemented the issuance rate is going to drop to 1/6th of what it was previously. Then when EIP-1559 is released in July and coin burnings start, I believe we will see the start of the 2nd big bull run which I would expect to continue as Ethereum blows past bitcoin in market value up until the next bitcoin halving. At this point I think people will switch back to bitcoin and bitcoin will explode again and start the 3rd bull run. I don't believe we will see a bear market before the next halving.

Also, I am not a financial advisor giving you financial advice, this is purely speculation.


submitted by /u/111ascendedmaster
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