You will not recover your stolen Crypto. Ensure you seal all the loopholes that scammers use!

The Crypto environment is super risky. From immense volatility to scams and scammers. Today's Apu Index stats is 97.5% of projects launched on Sunday are scams, rug pulls and honey pots. Numbers never lie. I would say Crypto has 2% good people. What that means is the good guys should spend more energy protecting their assets than trying to grow them. Naturally if you are in an a flawed economic system, the people who put in the work end up being eaten by the majority who having nothing to offer rather than short cuts, corruption and all manner of wickedness.
No country has enacted proper laws to curb Crypto theft. Main reason is Crypto is an enemy of governments reason they don't care if you lose them simply because Crypto challenges their old school financial systems. Police everywhere are slow to do Crypto investigations. Exchanges don't have what it takes to get hold of scammers. I worked for a project that got scammed 60 ETH by the CTO, transferred money to MEXC but MEXC released it to scammer 3 days after a police report was filled with them.
Watch out and seal all loopholes scammers use because if your assets are stolen YOU WILL NEVER GET JUSTICE.
submitted by /u/SAFUMaster
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