“Invest with caution” why people are afraid? Im afraid to not invest and be poor for life.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

“Invest with caution” why people are afraid? Im afraid to not invest and be poor for life.

Now that Elon said that, we are back into it… But before he said it, lot of people said it also, be carefull on how much money you put it, be carefull because of its volatility, you shouldnt put all your eggs in one basket, etc etc.

Hell im gonna say it, majority of my money now is on crypto, its not much since im a pleb from Argentina where the salary is 200/300 usd these days, but still, talking on % im big on crypto. For us, the plebs, we cannot invest into our local currency because has been devaluating for 20 straight years, and im not talking about the lil numbers of "USD is devaluating!!" , hell we had several years with 50%+ devaluation where we dont have any protection from it, interests on banks very lower than that, and salary recomposition too, we are getting poor year by year, or month by month to be exactly. We have been fked for our government, bankers much longer than the corona printing and crisis (when everyone seems to have woken up, thanks to that!!). So yes, i will go big on crypto because for some people its not about becoming rich, but its a escape from not becoming poorer. Theres no one protecting us for us becoming more poor, so we have to do something by ourselves, and the only option out there (beside working and surviving) is getting into crypto as an investment, and wait some years to at least say im middle class or something because of it.

Im not investing into shitcoins looking for a megapump exit, im betting into btc and eth for the long term.

submitted by /u/heyheoy
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