Politicians in Support of Crypto

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Politicians in Support of Crypto

Is anyone else a bit concerned with the types of politicians we've had that support crypto, namely Bitcoin?

The last three politicians I can think of that have spoken out in favor of Bitcoin have been Robert F Kennedy Jr, Ted Cruz, and Javier Milei. Obviously there are plenty of people who will roast me because they love these guys, but I know a good portion of this Bitcoin community does NOT support these guys on nearly every other issue.

Off the top of my head, Robert F Kennedy repeats the vaccines cause autism hoax among other consistently debunked claims, Javier Milei openly denies climate change, opposes abortion, sexual education, etc, and Ted Cruz is Ted Cruz, I don't know if I need to go on about why he's not a good person.

Whether you support these politicians or not, what are your thoughts on why the radical outliers are the ones who have been openly outspoken for bitcoin lately? Or better yet, is there equal representation from less radical politicians that I am just not aware of?

submitted by /u/L-1-3-S
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