I’m going to convert MY ENTIRE WEALTH into BTC, ETH and other hard assets.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

I’m going to convert MY ENTIRE WEALTH into BTC, ETH and other hard assets.

Is anyone else thinking about taking the plunge and converting ALL their fiat currency (Dollars, euros, pounds) to BTC and ETh?

The more I read about countries balance sheets and their overwhelming debt, the more I think a sovereign debt crisis, default and huge devaluation is likely.

Total US Debt is now $33.649 trillion, up $58 billion in one day and up $604 billion in one month… up $20 billion every day, up $833 million every hour.

At this rate US debt will be $41 trillion in one year.

This could soon spark what Hartnett, a B of A analyst, dubs the "greatest credit event of all."

Prepare accordingly. I'm moving everything into BTC, ETH and other hard assets like property and gold.

submitted by /u/Tacitus19
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