The Free Republic of Liberland

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The Free Republic of Liberland

The Free Republic of Liberland

Imagine a Crypto-Utopia with optional taxes and a reserved government, somewhere in this tiny world of ours, today! Sounds interesting?

Well, that is the vision of the Free republic of Liberland, a small "country" located on the border between Serbia and Croatia.

A little bit of history now: back in 2015, the "president", a former economist turned crypto enthusiast, named Vít Jedlička, planted the flag in a 7 sq km no man's land and called it Liberland!

His dream was to create the freest country on the planet with limited government intervention and guess what… where Bitcoin is the currency of choice!

A massive number of 700.000 people so far have supported Liberland and about 1000 "citizens" gave around 5000$ each of crypto.

A major portion of that money has gone into crypto technology, with budget allocation, legal proceedings, and property registration all taking place on a big national blockchain they plan to build. Jedlika, who was voted president of Liberland by a founding committee comprised of his girlfriend and a college classmate, claims that the strategy would enhance openness while minimizing red tape. "Blockchain is the greatest tool for running a nation-state," he asserts. "We are just five years ahead of our time."

But eight years on from Liberland’s founding, nobody lives there and next to nothing has been built. The Croatian government considers the territory part of an ongoing border dispute, not a terra nullius, and has previously said that all who visit must “abide by Croatian laws.”

You can't live in Liberland! Even the "president's" attempts to enter the territory have led to his arrest, twice.

Well, with all this said, we know that nobody lives and nobody CAN live there. At least for the time being. But this begs the question, what if history was a bit different?

What if history was a bit different and Jedlička had managed to create the first so-called Crypto Nation?

What are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/Immediate_Marzipan28
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