Taking Profits vs. HODL for the Big Boys

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Taking Profits vs. HODL for the Big Boys

I keep seeing posts talking about taking profits during the bull, but is there anyone here planning on holding until a set life event?

For me, I have about a 65%/30% BTC/ETH ratio with one alt. I treat crypto the same way a traditional fund invests a small% in high risk/high reward stocks, with the plan that when I near retirement I will sell my holdings.

I'm in my 40's so realistically I have about 6 market cycles until I get to retirement territory, if it holds every 4 years for each cycle. While I realize the possibility that even Bitcoin could go down the toilet, I don't invest more than I can afford to lose so I'm taking the chance that keeping all my crypto, rather than selling a portion along the way, will make the most of my investment.

Is anyone else here using this strategy or am I in the minority treating the big two as true long-term investments?

submitted by /u/Jimmy_Wrinkles
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