Do you know that implementing crypto in your store is much easier than you think and you can do that without using costly services?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Do you know that implementing crypto in your store is much easier than you think and you can do that without using costly services?

I checked recently how would I go about implementing crypto payment methods and there are those big crypto companies that of course charge a lot (and there is also a transaction fee). I agree that they are the safe option mostly when it comes to storage (until they they decide that your coins are their coins). However if you can code or can hire somebody trustworthy (you can always second check their code), you can save a lot by implementing it by yourself. Technically the developer doesn't even need to code generating the seed as it can be done offline (in this scenario it's very safe). I won't go into details which libraries to use because that depends on specific coins but here is the general idea.

– during checkout you generate an address just for that user (based on the wallet you already have) or if you want you can generate separate wallet for big transactions (the open source library handles that for you very comfortably)

– you wait and check the address frequently until the amount on this address is at least as big as the order

– when amount is correct you send the order to the customer

That's small amount of code as the library takes care of the important stuff. No need to use costly services. The challenge is how to safely store the keys. If you generate new address from a currently used wallet then it's easier. But if occasionally you need to generate new seed on the server then you need to instantly save it somewhere safely and use encryption. If you want to be safe you have more options:

You can generate list of addresses offline and than just use them instead of generating them on the server.

You can use Hierarchical Deterministic wallets.

I wonder if any of you have customized your store like that and if you have anything valuable to say.

submitted by /u/jsveyfjc
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