If you will ever want to start blaming someone in crypto start with yourself. Vast majority of problems, “hacks” or scams are just human mistakes. You are the weakest link of your crypto portfolio.

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If you will ever want to start blaming someone in crypto start with yourself. Vast majority of problems, “hacks” or scams are just human mistakes. You are the weakest link of your crypto portfolio.

One of most important things to understand in crypto journey is that you are the weakest link of your crypto portfolio. You make all decisions and how secure and profitable you portfolio is depend only from you. You can blame exchanges, wallets, other people or scammers all day, but it change nothing. At the end you are the only one that bear the consequences of your loses.

Crypto is menaged correctly is 100% safe, not 99%, not 99.99% safe, but 100%. You can't hack crypto wallet. 24 words seedphrase is unhackable with current tech. All problems start cause of human factor. If you buy shitcoins, connect wallet to shady site, click some phishing link, let yourself be scammed, make mistake or keep coins on exchange you lower your security and increase risks.

Even if you are most careful investor you still need to keep in mind one mistake can ruin you. Not getting scammed for 10 years and getting scammed today equal to the same you lose your whole wallet (how much it is depend if you diversify between few wallets, if you don't and lose everything in one hack that another mistake).

Most people in crypto hate to admit it was their own fault. They will always blame others for their own mistakes. If you buy a shitcoin and it rugs or go to zero you can blame creators all day. But at the end it would rug or lose value with or without you, you just decided to take unnecessary risk and invest in it. It is not your fault project rugged or lost value, it is your fault you took unnecessary risk. Same with all crypto hacks, they aren't even hacks in most cases, just people getting scammed. But ofc who will admit they were scammed easier to blame hackers and act as victim. Problem is by trying to ignore your own fault you learn nothing and in future it will happen again. You should instead look in the mirror and say to yourself " Yes I made a stupid mistake, what can I do to avoid mistakes like this in the future?"

A lot of crypto investors are in denial whole time, from one failed investment to another, from one mistake to next one, from one rug or scam to new one. Worst in all of it is that many people never learn. They are vulnerable whole time cause they don't want to admin they are THE problem. And if they would just hold BTC and ETH they probably would be happy, safe and wasted less time, instead if losing mental health, losing time on shitcoins or doing a lot of unnecessary stuff. In crypto often doing less means more especially if you are not experienced enough.

submitted by /u/Nuewim
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