My journey as a professional photographer in Web 3.

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My journey as a professional photographer in Web 3.

I am a professional photographer based in Ecuador, a country facing economic instability and challenges. To diversify my income streams and invest in Ethereum, I decided to sell some of my favorite photographs as NFTs on OpenSea. However, I soon discovered that selling even one photograph was much harder than I had anticipated. Yesterday, I won a giveaway from a Gen 3 artist who sent me a free NFT and expressed appreciation for my "Andes photographs Collection". I was ecstatic that someone had taken the time to view my work and felt grateful for the recognition. I told the artist that I appreciated the giveaway and that I would be willing to accept any offer for any photograph they liked. To my delight, the artist made an offer on one of my pelican photos, and I was overjoyed when I sold my first photo NFT. I called my dad, who has always been supportive of my work, to share the good news. The experience was humbling and emotional, as it took a long time to achieve my first sale, but I never gave up on my dream. I want to encourage anyone pursuing a creative project or career to believe in themselves and keep persevering. It can be challenging, but there will come a day when someone appreciates your efforts and talents. To the artist who bought my first photo NFT, thank you for giving me hope and inspiring me to continue pursuing my goals. I can't wait to see what the future holds. I just wanted to share my story and express my happiness. Remember, never give up on your dreams and take things step by step.

submitted by /u/Davicho77
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