TRX is probably only as relevant as it is because of how cheap fees are. Otherwise it’s mostly trash like everything Justin Sun touches

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

TRX is probably only as relevant as it is because of how cheap fees are. Otherwise it’s mostly trash like everything Justin Sun touches

Currently, TRX sits at #16 on the top 100 list. With all the shadiness than Justin Sun is involved in, the high rank of it is honestly shocking. But when you consider the utility of TRX, or ask many people why they use it, you only get two words: cheap fees. Other than the cheapness of TRX, it seems to offer little else. And if it's one thing I will admit, it is that the token's tokenomics, if you can call it that, was cunningly designed from the very beginning to funnel in folk who don't really understand that the token is about, and frankly don't really care.

It isn't even just that the network fees are cheap. It's also that withdrawal fees from exchanges themselves are also cheap. This was probably deviously designed in the listing agreement with the exchanges as well. And remember that Cefi accounts for over 80% of volume. So anytime someone wants to transfer between exchanges or even to Defi, TRX would be one of the first choices if not the first. So a mostly useless token as managed to gain huge market share off one little trick.

Sun himself is of course being sued by the SEC for pump-and-dump, schemes, unregistered securities among other things. And TRX itself is also heavily ted to lots of illegal gambling. I myself have uncovered a number of online (obviously illegal) Chinese casino that use his network and tokens(like BTT) to launder their funds. They typically run through Telegram(what scammer doesn't use Telegram?) where uses can indicate and relevant positions in the game and some bot spits out the winning combinations and you supposedly collect your earnings in USDT on Tron. You also deposit bets in USDT mostly. The casino themself would use BTT very often to transfer funds. Don't know why you'd trust a bot for a fair casino but that's how they do it.

We of course can't forget how Justin Sun this tokens of JST,SUN, BTT,TRX to absolutely shaft FTX customers who had money stuck on FTX after the collapse and were desperate to withdraw. SBF and FTX worked out a 'Credit Facility' that would allow users to withdraw but only using these Sun-owned tokens. As a result, these tokens prices shot up as high as 4000% above market prices. So you'd be able to withdraw but only after:

  1. Pumping up the prices and popularity of Sun-owned tokens
  2. Paying ridiculously above-market prices . Such that you could withdraw but would make huge losses to do so.

And Sun just walks away with big profits off desperate customers with no other choice, As far as I'm concerned, the volume of tokens was intentionally kept to precisely to pump prices. This is proven as the total liquidity promised through the Credit Facility agreement was never met, and even if it was would fall woefully short of demand.

submitted by /u/OneThatNoseOne
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