I don’t like the whole “diamond hands” and “paper hands” anti-selling circle jerk. Don’t sell because it’s best for making YOU money, not out of some weird sense of cult loyalty

More and more in this sub, we’re starting to see the “diamond hands” mentality; and the associated circle jerk. Anyone who sells for any reason, amongst these redditors is “paper hands”.
The problem with this is that it’s shrieked into a chorus, without any advice. It comes across as a desperate attempt to get everyone else to HODL, as you’re terrified you yourself might have to face a dip if people start selling.
No one should feel ashamed of taking profits, however insignificant that sum may appear to others. We all have our own goals. Yes, the value of the crypto market goes up exponentially over time, and so they’re probably going to suffer opportunity loss by missing out on future exponential gains. But this is a point that can be made in exactly this way.
Ultimately, most people aren’t going to change their mind on an investment decision because some random person on an Internet forum screamed PAPER HANDS at them.
This diamond hands at all costs mentality seems to have been born out of the GME hype – not so much the original WSB holders, more some of the new traders that came in and adopted it as their mantra. Many of them then went chasing the next moon with DOGE, so it’s unsurprising we’re starting to see it here too.
In short, accumulate good projects and hold for great potential gains. Let people do their own thing, but advise them of this. Don’t shout diamond hands / paper hands etc, as it just creates a toxic sub circle jerk ethos
submitted by /u/BuffettsBrokeBro
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