Got scammed in February finally ready to talk about it.

So in February I was introduced to a company that promised 1.5% daily returns on investments. This company went by the name of Wiseling. Now I tired my best to ensure that this wasn't a scammed and did research and saw where they were registered (fake certificates embedded on the internet) I lost 3.5+k in total (BTC and ETH). By the time i figured out it was a scam (they introduced a 10% investment plan that i figured was too good to be true) they had stopped withdrawal and my crypto was gone!! There website and communication was so perfectly laid out that I got duped. Not only did I get duped, I referred a total of 17 individuals to this "company" who invested a total of 7+k in total. After almost two months of coming back to reality I am finally confident enough to share my story. Please don't go around investing your crypto into online schemes. Learn to trade or hold. Don’t let my mistake become yours. I am now down to zero in my crypto account but all is not lost because for the rest of this year I will recover, and I will purchase more BTC and ETH and hold!
submitted by /u/chromatic45
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