Beware of coordinated shilling/brigading on Reddit & Telegram.
Since the shitcoin pandemic struck the crypto sphere there's a lot more spam/ads on socials. This is of course in the hopes someone else buys the shitcoin too so others profit from that. Today I passed by this comment: This came from the "Elongate" shitcoin sub. As you can see they're spreading this list across their whole sub & often too in their Telegram. So far I've seen it happen with 2 coins, SafeMoon & Elongate, but it's common for almost any shitcoin. Brigading becomes more & more of a problem. I have a friend at one of these subs and he told me some posts get 50-60 upvotes while it immediately got deleted by the Autmoderator, this is ofc only possible if someone shared that post. The problem doesn't stop here. When you're critical about some shitcoin because it's useless and is infringing copyrights they just share your post in a Telegram group (glad they got banned, thx mods!): this dude commented my post in the Telegram group at least 10 times If you notice a post of yours suddenly gets a lot of shills or downvotes, take a look in their Telegram. There's a huge chance they're brigading it to silence you. If you see any comments regarding coordinated shilling report them! submitted by /u/SweetPie123 |