PSA: Cardano (ADA) runs at SEVEN (7) transactions per second. Full sources and calculations in comments.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

PSA: Cardano (ADA) runs at SEVEN (7) transactions per second. Full sources and calculations in comments.

There are 3 things that determine transaction speed: block size, block time and transaction size. Let's look at all 3 for Cardano.

  1. Block size. The maximum size of a block is 65536bytes.

Here is the source:

If you scroll down you see the variable "maxBlockBodySize 65536" and it is helpfully explained "Maximum size of a block body. Limits blockchain storage size, and communication costs."

  1. Block time. This is 20 seconds on average. Can't find a great source for this as the block time jumps around a lot on the explorers but Google give you loads of sources e.g.

  2. Transaction size. It varies but it is around 500 bytes often more. Go here and look at the number of transaction in a block and its size, divide.

So to calculate tps we do: 65536 / 20 / 500 = 6.55tps.

The Cardano sub is aware of the issue see here: where this issue was discussed quite technically.

submitted by /u/NabyK8ta
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