80% of you who read just the title of this thread will not be in this sub 18 months from today.

Simply put this comes from too many people thinking that cryptocurrency in general is a get rich quick scheme. You need to stop and think about why the cryptocurrency you purchased in general was invented and how it exists to benefit society or people in general. I follow Andreas Antonopolous' thought processes just a little bit by asking, "What problem does your coin solve that bitcoin doesn't?"
I can see the reason for quite a few DeFi applications to exist, and thus Ethereum.
However, the hoardes of new people that irresponsibly investing in dogecoin safemoon, safemars, safeheaven, safegalaxy, moonwhatever, elongate these shitcoins…
The people who invest in these are the same people who do not realize there is free market data and reasonable arbitrage opportunities that already exist with bitcoin.
EDIT: The world's first successful cryptocurrency was invented as a result of the traditional financial system FAILING to serve us with transparency and honesty as well as betraying our trust. Bitcoin requires zero trust and is transparent. Nothing indicated Satoshi was anti-government, but everything indicated he was anti-bank because of how rapidly they debase our currency. Using bitcoin or ethereum to become wealthy from becoming an early adopter should only be considered a secondary benefit.
submitted by /u/sgtslaughterTV
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