Seriously can’t believe how slow implementation is taking to lower gas fees. It’s disgusting and disgraceful.
Where is poster child Vitalik these days? Sure seems awfully quiet while the majority of the crypto community screams foul and protests in disgust over the ever increasing ethereum networks gas fees.
Almost 150 USD at time of writing. One. Hundred. And. Fifty. Dollars….. Is this some kind of cruel joke? I have to literally spend almost 3% to trade some tokens. Was this seriously never thought out at the time of ethereums creation? It makes no sense to me that ANY of the original developers thought of, or hand the hindsight, to mitigate these types of fees with a largely used and adopted network. Did they all think eth wouldn't catch on? Wouldn't see as much use? Wouldn't have nearly the amount of usage? Seems like some pretty piss poor planning IMHO.
What else did they unforsee? And why the hell is it taking them so long to implement a solution? It's been what, two years? With another two year potential before any of these fees are mitigated and or have some sort of palpable solution? Sorry for venting, but ethereum is the one of the largest reasons why our beloved ecosystem is being held back, and progression is being grinded to a halt. All cylinders where firing at maximum speed…. And then eth just had to throw its shitty wrench into the engine bay. I mean…. For christ sakes, when Binance produces a solution that blows ethereum out of the water, its incredibly sad and disgraceful at this point in time. Centralized or not, ethereum needs to get its shit together. I love this chain, but how long can you love something that doesn't love you back?
Rant over.
submitted by /u/AlgorithmsAndPizza
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