NFT — Lets have a serious talk, a lot of you don’t seem to understand what they are.

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NFT — Lets have a serious talk, a lot of you don’t seem to understand what they are.

A lot of people are treating NFT like they ARE the asset they represent instead of what they really are and have been since the crypto kitty days when they were first convinced. This is a fundamentally wrong way of using them.

Yes, you could theoretically store an image or a small bit of text in the meta of an NFT, but you're going to pay massive amounts of money just to put it on the chain. Back when ETH was around $500/eth we're talking $2k per mb, so now… with gas prices what they are and ETH @ $1.6k… shittt….. you could be looking upwards of $10k for 1mb.

In reality the NFT stores simple meta data and points TO someplace that the actual asset is stored. So these complex concepts you guys are trying to place on them needs to be reeled in. NFT at their core are titles, like you'd have for a car or home. They define some information about the object, but are NOT the object.

If people don't get a grip on what NFT are and this 6million dollars for "ownership" of part of a YouTube video don't stop, we're going to have some SERIOUS overcorrection by governments in regards to them defining what OWNERSHIP is.

Here's some reading:

submitted by /u/midri
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