What will Cryptocurrency and Ethereum be like in 5 years?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

What will Cryptocurrency and Ethereum be like in 5 years?

For the last five years I've wondered where it's all going, and of course, there's much that's happened that I never expected (NFTs, for example). I thought we'd all have blockchain enabled websites, which probably isn't going to happen, at least, not in the foreseeable future. I didn't see how big of issue scaling would become, I knew it would be an issue, but not like this.

But what about you? What do you think cryptocurrency will look like in 5 years?

  • Will the majority of major companies be interacting via L2 services to Ethereum?
  • Will Bitcoin fall to a subordinate position to Ethereum (this one seems pretty obvious to me, but who knows, maybe you still see a "store of value" favoring an old chunky chain over a useful one.
  • Will other blockchains survive in reasonable market share or will interoperating L2s make their "uniqueness" and pitch irrelevant?
  • Will Bank of America be offering a stable-coin checking/savings account, with 1% interest for staking via savings (lol, hey, that's probably a good idea Bank of America, you can tip me if you're reading this)

I would love to hear your vision for cryptocurrency for 2026.

submitted by /u/nbr1bonehead
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