Can we Pin an “Understanding Ravencoin” thread to the top of this subreddit?
It's great to see so many people getting interested in RVN, especially given it's lack of marketing. However, It's pretty much daily, if not several times per day, that we get new, interested users in here asking exactly what it is Ravencoin does. Can we either find an already created topic, or create a new one, that succinctly states what it is Ravencoin does, it's benefits, and maybe a real world example of how creating assets works? Then can include helpful links at the bottom of it to the whitepaper, discord, maybe Tron Black's blog… Then pin that to the top with a title of something like "New to Ravencoin? Read this!"
I could write it myself, but to be honest there are others in this subreddit that could word it better / relay it better. Plus, we'd have to get buy-in from a mod to pin it… but really, this should be done. It would help newcomers and also would cut down on the amount of people consistently asking what it is Ravencoin even does
submitted by /u/Jblock22
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