Starting today, you can access the Milkomeda Algorand Rollup (A1) Public Testnet! The rollup allows developers to write smart contracts for Algorand in Solidity, the world’s most popular language for smart contracts. It is also the first EVM implementation as rollup with instant finality

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Starting today, you can access the Milkomeda Algorand Rollup (A1) Public Testnet! The rollup allows developers to write smart contracts for Algorand in Solidity, the world’s most popular language for smart contracts. It is also the first EVM implementation as rollup with instant finality

Starting today, you can access the Milkomeda Algorand Rollup (A1) Public Testnet! The rollup allows developers to write smart contracts for Algorand in Solidity, the world’s most popular language for smart contracts. It is also the first EVM implementation as rollup with instant finality submitted by /u/cysec_
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