Cryptocurrency Subreddits sorted by Membership (Final Version)

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Cryptocurrency Subreddits sorted by Membership (Final Version)

Cryptocurrency Subreddits sorted by Membership (Final Version)

Hey all, thanks for your excellent suggestions and feedback! This was a fun project.

This is my final version for now, I might update in a month or so after the data has time to change. I added in the suggestions I got that were not way off the bottom of the chart and rounded out the list to include all top 100 coins PLUS any other subreddits I knew of over 50,000 members.

I also added hyperlinks to the CMC listing and the subreddit, but those won't work here so I have included links to a PDF version and a Google Sheet that will work. It is up to you whether that feels safe to click.

Apologies to the Loopring fans who were the most glaring omission last time, I got ya in there this time (#18, not too bad). Sorry if I missed anyone else deserving.


Google Sheet:

List of Cryptocurrency subreddits sorted by number of members

Best wishes all.

submitted by /u/Stompya
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