Tricky situation could use some advice

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Tricky situation could use some advice

Hi there,

My girlfriend is kind of in a tricky situation. Essentially she purchased multiple ethereum a few years ago and kept it in some sort of harddrive wallet (apologies btw if I sound retarded, I dont know much about crypto).

This wallet was saved on her ex's computer. At some point they broke up and he held onto it. (And also stole her turtle like a dick).

Just curious, is there a way she could get this back? I think the total amount could be worth $5000 today.

She doesn't have access to the computer and her ex is a total CHODE.(wouldnt give her turtle back).

She's worried if she contacts him and gives him her pw to get in, that he is going to just ADIOS and ghost her.

submitted by /u/hstabley
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