Forking Optimism L2, having several L2 forks to increase capacity

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Forking Optimism L2, having several L2 forks to increase capacity

I noticed Metis Network is just a fork of Optimism L2. Looked at Optimism’s Github and glanced at the instructions, deploying your own L2 fork seems simple enough.

Some brainstorming later, it seems like having a wallet that would make bridging assets between L2 networks would be a major milestone. When dapps start deploying their own L2 forks (Ape and all those NFT projects come to mind) and users can seamlessly jump between networks, it would add a ton of capacity to the overall ecosystem. I think the biggest issue would be TVL fragmentation.

How far from this scenario do you think we are?

I noticed there are some new wallets popping up like xDeFi Wallet that could pick up on this, Metamask hasn’t changed much in a while.

One other approach would be having a master L1 contract where L2s could integrate and combine liquidity to facilitate transfers between L2s, to also take care of the fragmentation issue. I haven’t looked a lot into danksharding or sharding yet, but it sounds similar.

submitted by /u/LinusThiccTips
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